Professional and Accurate Vietnamese Translation Services

When you need professional Vietnamese translation services, The Word Point delivers top-quality translation. Only native field experts are used.

Certified Translators

by ATA

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Top b2b Company


Accurate Vietnamese Translation Service You Can Trust

Vietnam. From a war-torn country of several decades ago to an up-and-coming major player in Asia and worldwide, this small country is now home to several major industries – food processing, electronics, mining, tourism, to name a few. Now that it is the 47th largest economy in the world, need for professional Vietnamese translation services has grown exponentially. Foreign investors and businesses, professionals, even individuals, all require accurate interpreting as they move about in this thriving economy.

Experts with International Certifications

Our pros meet standards set by all certification organizations

Only Human Translation

Human translators give accuracy that machine translation can’t provide

A Look at the Types of Vietnamese Translation Services that Our Clients Need

We provide services in over 80 languages. Vietnamese translating services have become a growing need. With this in mind, we have expanded our team of native speakers so that we now have experts for every possible professional, business, or individual need. 

Our services include certified Vietnamese translations of any or all documents, manuals, contracts for business needs, legal interpretation for governments and court documents, medical, and pharmaceutical protocols and packaging, and professional journals. We render any type of educational document.

For e-commerce businesses, we offer English to Vietnamese translation service that includes necessary localization. If you are unfamiliar with the term, localization refers to rendering that takes into account cultural mores, and idiomatic language nuances, as well as ensures that they are honored in the interpreting process. These require the use of Vietnamese native experts who produce content that is culturally appropriate for the target audience. Any online company looking to expand into the Vietnamese market is looking for a website and all other content localized for that audience. 

Other services we deliver include video and audio transcription, voice-overs, Vietnamese proofreading, inoculation, and other travel records for individual clients as they travel internationally.

We Provide Vietnamese Language Services for Every Industry and Niche

Our Vietnamese language translation services now cover virtually any business, professional, or e-commerce need:

  • Medical Translation: These types involve everything from medical research that fosters collaboration among researchers from varied countries, to journal publications, to pharmaceutical manufacturing, protocols, packaging content, and more. Any Vietnamese translation company that provides medical document translation services must use highly qualified native speakers with specialized education as well as background expertise to provide perfect services.
  • Legal Translation: This kind is required by both individuals and companies. Companies have to meet legal requirements of setting up a business abroad. These involve Vietnamese renderings for governmental and judicial approval. Further, contracts that they establish with foreigners and companies must meet legal standards of the foreign country. Individuals need travel and residency documents, sometimes birth, divorce, along with educational documents.
  • Business Translation: Again, a very large field for interpretation, and no less important in terms of accuracy. There are contracts between two businesses that have agreed to collaborate; there are employee contracts and manuals; there are manufacturing protocols; there are business and financial documents that must be submitted to foreign government agencies, etc. Top quality services by certified experts are an absolute must.
  • Technical Translation: This type involves a host of activities – programing and coding for app localization, game localization services, formulae for manufacturing protocols, scientific, medical, and engineering journals, spec sheets, patents, user manuals, to name just a few. Translator from English to Vietnamese, or any other language for that matter, must have expertise in these technical fields to deliver accurate renderings that these fields require. The Word Point has developed Vietnamese native teams to provide just that.
  • Financial Translations: investors, those seeking business partnerships, and those businesses operating abroad must have fully accurate accounting interpreting. Financial renderings are far more than just numbers – there are a myriad of documents that accompany those numbers, and Vietnamese translators with specific accounting expertise are necessary.
  • Advertising/Marketing Translation: Any time marketing and advertising content is transferred into other languages, there is the issue of localization. This is precisely why a native Vietnamese translator will be perfect for rendering into that language. Only a native has cultural awareness to ensure that content and visuals will be certainly appropriate for the target audience. Even in terms of app localization services, being culturally “correct” is critical for success.

What About Translation Vietnamese to English?

Cooperation between enterprises, professionals, and individuals that are doing any type of business with one another needs interpreting and localization that goes both ways. So, when we work with both English-speaking businesses, professionals, individuals, and Vietnamese-speaking entities of the same type, it understands the need for native experts in both languages. So, for anyone looking for a translator from English to Vietnamese or vice versa, we have expertise to deliver the quality that both deserve.

What Our Clients Say


"We needed to file all organizational documents to set up our subsidiary in Vietnam. You provided a native with the right legal background to get documents produced perfectly. The Vietnamese translations were perfect, and we got through the process quickly and easily."

We Guarantee Confidentiality

Personal information/files/documents are securely held and never shared

We Work With Any Format

Send and request any format – we receive and deliver them all

What Sets Us Apart from the Others?

If you are searching for Vietnamese language translation services, then you will want to look at many features that set us apart from the majority of other online agencies.

  • First and foremost, we use only human translators. This is how we guarantee that our agency delivers accurate as well as customized Vietnamese document translation service.  We do utilize glossary memory tools but those are for reference. While other services use machine translation, we know that these are imperfect and do not localize well.
  • Experts are assigned based upon their native language as well as their expertise in the specific field of the client’s order. This is part of our commitment to top quality in all that we do.
  • Our customer service is second-to-none. No client is ever left in dark as to where we are in the process of completing their order. We are available to answer any questions or resolve any issues.
  • Our prices are very affordable for quality we deliver. Our certified translation services Vietnamese or any other language cannot be equaled for our costs.
  • We provide fast delivery service, meeting urgent deadlines if they should be needed. It may mean that more than one agency Vietnamese expert works on project, but we are more than willing to do that. 

If you are looking for truly professional translation services, we are your one-stop shop.

In the End…

Whether you need certificated Vietnamese translation services for critical documents or a voice-over for a marketing video, The Word Point will guarantee the same professional, accurate, and fully localized interpreting to every client. We always assign a language native who has the right background along with experience for your order.

Types of translation services we provide

Globalize your business efforts!
Reach the world!
We’ve helped countless businesses


What is the cost of translation to Vietnamese?

While Vietnamese is a difficult language as far as westerners are concerned, it is natural for Vietnamese natives. Others may charge more for such services, but we treat such renderings like all others. Your cost will depend upon type of work you order, the length of document/order, and your deadline requirements.

What kinds of formats do you deliver?

Our clients send documents to us in any number of formats. And many of them request another format for the final product. No matter what format you want (PDF, Word, Google Doc, etc.), that is the format that will be delivered back to you.

How fast can you translate my document into Vietnamese?

We have a large enough team of professionals to handle even the most urgent deadlines. When you place your order, you will be asked to submit a delivery deadline. If it is urgent, we may have to assign more than one Vietnamese expert to your order. But we will finish it in time.

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