
Why Does Your Business Require Content Translation

Henry Mcdowell 16 Dec 2015

When done for the right reasons, the decision to translate content can be absolutely right for your business. Keep reading to learn some great reasons why you should consider translation.

Business Require Content Translation

You Are Expanding Into Foreign Markets

This may seem obvious, but it is still worth mentioning. If you plan on expanding globally, don’t wait to consider your translation options. This is something that should be a part of the earliest planning phases. Remember that you don’t just need to interact with customers and employees at the end of this process. You will have to deal with local governments, understand business regulations, partner with foreign investors, and more. Get translators on board quickly.

Your E-commerce Business is Attracting Global Customers

If you think about it, E-commerce businesses begin on an international level. All it takes is for someone in another country to show interest in your products. When this happens, translation can be key to tapping those markets and being a relevant preference. Remember that people want to interact with brands in their own language whenever possible. Consider online shoppers from all over the world, and how to translate your e-commerce content to meet their needs.

If you notice your site becoming very important in a particular region you may want to consider options such as a microsite for that specific area. Don’t forget localization as well.

You Want to Support Employees And Consultants Who Are Not ESL

Translating documents isn’t just for customers. This practice is useful in any situation where you want to ensure that communication is clear and that people have their needs met. If you contract with offshore firms or hire people who are not native speakers there can be some additional complexities created by language barriers. While it may not be worth translating employee manuals and other materials for a handful of employees, if you have offshore teams working for you on a regular basis, it could be worth the effort. If you have a long-term partnership with a software development or consulting firm, consider asking them in which areas translation would help.

There Are Customers in Existing Regions Who Can Benefit From Content Translation

Languages and dialects don’t read maps. They don’t remain enclosed within neat boundaries. Within a single country, there may be regions where multiple languages are spoken, not just one. Within cities, there may be neighborhoods where price tags at the local grocery store the languages most commonly spoken in the area, not the official (or not so official) language of the land.

Read also: How to choose reliable business translation services to provide you with accurate translations.

This means that even if you don’t do business anywhere beyond your own country, there may be benefits from having your content translated into many languages. Consider doing a bit of research before ordering translations to Czech, Arabic, Chinese or any other language. Are you reaching into areas where there are pockets of immigrants, for example? Remember that even if someone does speak your language, they will often appreciate it when you address them in yours. Even if you don’t translate website content entirely, consider translating customer service scripts, product descriptions, and landing pages to make customer interactions easier.


If you are realizing that translation is a service your business needs, you are not alone. It’s cliche but true to say the world is getting smaller. A company no longer has to build a brick and mortar location in a foreign land to need translation assistance. They simply need to have customers, employees, and business partners who can be better served in their own languages and dialects. 


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