Clay -
Entrepreneur, Finland
Engineering Translation Services
Not many translation services could provide services that are specific to certain industries. For people in the engineering industry, TheWordPoint is the perfect agency to go to for all our translation needs as they provide us with translators who specialize in our industry. They were such a great help for me and my company.
Charlie B. -
Student, Netherlands
I am a film and acting student major and one of our projects is an in-depth study of world documentaries. I chose a documentary script on World War II translated to German for reference on my research. Thanks to TheWordPoint, I was able to get high-quality translations on my resources. I’ll surely come back for more!
Ronnie -
Film script writer, France
I am a film script writer and I’ve made a few indie film scripts over the years. I wanted to expand my reach so I got some of my film scripts translated to different languages for consideration of several production houses. All thanks to TheWordPoint who made sure my creative ideas weren’t lost in translation, no matter the language. Thank you!
Archer -
Engineer, Canada
Engineering Translation Services
We are a manufacturing company who operates several big machines in our plant. We recently bought manufacturing equipment from China and needed a Chinese engineer to help us operate the equipment properly. We sent him specifications of the equipment translated to Chinese with the help of TheWordPoint professionals who were knowledgeable in the engineering sphere. Thanks a lot!
Jolie -
Businesswoman, USA
Engineering Translation Services
My sister’s French husband is building a beach house in the Philippines and entrusted me with the building requirements. I had a professional architectural engineer make a report on the architectural plan of his house, so I had TheWordPoint translate it to French for his use. They did an amazing job for such a technical report. Truly one of the best translators I’ve worked with.
Gurleen -
Screenwriter, USA
We are making a documentary on the history of the Japanese-Korean war. Because most of our materials are in English, we needed to also translate them to Korean and Japanese for our foreign audiences. TheWordPoint provided us with very capable translators who have extensive historical background so no mistakes were made in the translation of the script. Thanks a lot!
Kimberley -
Entrepreneur, USA
Email Translation Services
I have been looking for a translation service that could regularly translate my email correspondence to a client in Portugal. It was a regular occurrence for a few months, and I did not have much budget, but I was so glad to have found The Word Point who offers an affordable price for certified translations.
Enzo -
Marketing Assistant, Belgium
We needed a translation agency who could translate our company’s marketing video scripts to German for a product we are introducing in the country. Thanks to TheWordPoint, we were able to get high-quality translation from skilled linguists at a very affordable price.
Michaela -
Marketing Manager, USA
A production company I work for bought the license for a foreign television show. My team was tasked to look for an agency that could help us localize the script for us to understand the story better. Colleagues recommended TheWordPoint for reliable script translations and we were pleasantly surprised by the quality of work they offer. Thank you!
Dante -
Lawyer, Italy
Email Translation Services
Our company received a legal correspondence from a company in Korea regarding an issue with setting up a branch of our business in the country. We decided to communicate with them a rebuttal of our concerns through a translated email with the help of TheWordPoint. They did a great job for the quick turnover we requested for it. Awesome job, team!