What Our Clients Say

Joseph N. - Educator, Australia


I was looking for an online translation team that offered translation services in my local language to English. I had some documents needed for professional translation, and luckily, I found TheWordPoint who had so much language assistance—most I’ve seen on any website! Now I have my go-to professionals for my translation requests, and at a very fair price too!

Renee O. - Student, USA


I always have this fear of leaving my work to online language services. This is why I trust TheWordPoint more than any others offering the same service. I have tried and tested their transcribing and translation services and they are always ready with every language I request! I will surely keep on working with them for my future needs and will recommend them to more friends too!

Richard - Student, USA

Transcription Services

TheWordPoint is the best solution if you need to transcribe video lectures or any other type of educational content. I have missed quite a lot in college and had to catch up with my studies. Due to my hearing difficulties, I could not watch video lessons, which is why turning to transcription of the lessons was the only solution for me. This company is truly caring and stands out with its attitude!

Oskar - Blogger, Czech Republic

Transcription Services

Starting my career as a video blogger, I am using subtitles in various languages since I travel all over the world. What makes TheWordPoint experts special, is their knowledge of each subject. They will match you with a translation specialist who is not only a native speaker but has a background in fashion or cooking, as it was in my case. Thank you so much for helping me achieve success with your amazing transcription service!

Robert - Entrepreneur, USA

Transcription Services

I have used TheWordPoint transcription services once, but they have literally saved my professional career by providing me with the transcription of my past lecture that I already had recorded. It was one of the best translations for the slideshow presentation that I have ever encountered. It was done really fast since my foreign conference has been coming up. Thank you so much for your assistance!

Mary - Legal Recruiter, USA

Certified Translation

It is one of the best choices for those who want to receive an authentic translation with quality and translation accuracy proof. Our company’s legal department is very strict about their documentation, so they kept looking for translators with relevant certifications who could prove their skills. The results have surpassed our expectations as this company knows how to meet the highest translation standards.

Renee - Podcaster, Canada

Transcription Services

As an online podcaster, I often receive questions from non-English speakers who do not understand all the specifics of my Environmental Protection information. Turning to TheWordPoint, I can now provide a transcription of my posts by keeping the most important points. I am also thinking about doing voice-overs, which is also possible. This service has decent prices and their deadlines are quite good if you want to fit in within your business schedule. Great service!

Elizabeth - Journalist, USA

Translation Services

Regardless if you need to translate French poetry or work with an excerpt from the Spanish Medieval history, they always deliver. As a major in Journalism, I often approach TheWordPoint to expand my cultural horizons going beyond my English books. The company’s team provides fast and affordable translations of even the most complex sources. The human translation approach also makes a major difference!

Sheila - Project Manager, USA


Starting with a multilingual website may seem like a nightmare if you do not get things ready in advance. The team of specialists at TheWordPoint is one of those companies who explain what to expect before you pay or any work starts. This fact alone makes them a go-to service.

Megan - Singer, Australia

Transcription Services

As a singer, I needed someone to transcribe the lyrics of the traditional Irish songs. The tricky part is that they were either performed too fast or had words that I could not understand. I have requested both transcribing the original with the pronunciation transcription and the English translation. Both tasks were done according to the top translation standards and consideration of the cultural accents. Thank you so much!

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