Carl Hill

Carl Hill

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Meet our Author Carl Hill

Carl joined TheWordPoint as a freelance writer in 2018 after spending four years working in digital publishing, content marketing, and web development. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in English-Writing and a few certificates in Software and Web Development. Carl’s motto - Content is king - helps him to stay focused on his writing, its purpose, and quality. He never stops learning and broadening his horizons. When he is not at work Carl enjoys visiting museums, exhibitions, concerts, hanging out with his colleagues, or playing video games.

My Articles

Carl Hill
Language insights

How to Find the Best English-Spanish Dictionaries

A good dictionary is a great assistant for a translator. The ability to search and retrieve the needed translations is often crucial for the workflow, the pace, the energy, and the time spent on each text. Nowadays the variety of dictionaries of any kind is impressive. However, not all of them are equally suitable and helpful. So in order to facilitate one’s working process, one needs to choose carefully.

Carl Hill 17 May 2020
Carl Hill
Translation tips

The Best Apps to Transcribe Audio to Text

Recording audio can be a convenient way to jot down some information. However, extracting this information is not that easy. It may be time-consuming to listen to a recording a few times to write down all being said. But the digital era and the development of language processing technologies have provided a solution to this problem – programs that automatically transcribe audio to text files.

Carl Hill 08 May 2020
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