Translation tips

What Is the Role of Translators in Cybersecurity?

Carl Hill 15 Aug 2018
What Is the Role of Translators in Cybersecurity?

The advent of the Internet and the World Wide Web was a breakthrough for the human race. The web led to many other technologies, which have since been intertwined to offer us the ease and convenience of accessing information and storing information. Further, the internet allows us to accomplish tasks that were once very cumbersome to execute.

Manufacturers of smart devices have not been left out in this great story. They have continually designed devices that match our needs, and which further make the whole process seamless. However, there is the downside. As much as the web and technology, in general, have been an essential component in our lives, it has also given rise to cybercrime, which continues to threaten people’s lives and businesses.

As technology presses and advances forward, hackers and malicious actors are also evolving and coming up with more efficient and vicious ways of bypassing security protocols on the web. The sophistication malicious actors display today is of unprecedented levels.

Security on the Web

The web is a one-stop shop for almost everything in today’s world. Whether you are searching for contact information for a particular business or you are browsing social networks, the web supports it all. However, that does not mean that all sites you visit are secure. Since the internet is a global platform, you may encounter malicious sites over there, or even websites that have content in an entirely different language.

The role of translators in cyber security has never been this paramount. Online users who come across ads or content that is in a foreign language can get suspicious and stay away from these sites. While these sites may contain malicious files, translators may help cyber security experts to learn the architecture and form of these threats.

Hackers have devised ways of embedding malware in websites by using ads, which contain redirect links embedded with malicious files that may or may not download automatically when a user clicks them. In most cases, these malicious files, malware, or ransomware encrypt the hard drive of the user. This effectively locks them out of their system, and they, therefore, cannot access those files unless the user pays a ransom.

Regular users on the web may seek the help of translators to decode these foreign languages and get insights into the site, to increase their knowledge on bad websites on the internet. Cyber security experts may also gain from these translators, since they can help experts understand the content in familiar languages.

Read also: How to order cheap Norwegian translation by native speakers?

Preemptive Action

Cybersecurity experts and security researchers are on the lookout for vulnerabilities on a daily basis.

Programming is at the core of hacking. Inherently, most malware out there is just programs, but only that they contain malicious executable files commonly referred to as the payload in the cybersecurity space. So, what language does cyber security use? Since malware and viruses are results of programming or code, it is crucial for you to have a grasp in some cyber security programming languages like JavaScript, C, C++, Python, Perl, SQL, and PHP.

The best language to learn for cyber security is the C programming language. This is because many Operating Systems out there are based on C. Further, it is a low-level programming language that gives access to low-level resources such as RAM and system resources. In the eyes of a hacker, this is gold. C is regarded as the best language for cyber security since it allows access to operations of installed programs and resource management. Many runtime environments and libraries are in C, and that is why C is the best language for cyber security.

Read also: Where can you receive instant certified translation services online?

Where Translators Come In

There are ads or content on the web that coded in different languages. Often, hackers like to disguise their intentions by using different languages or other unorthodox techniques. Translators can help cyber security experts and white hackers to understand foreign languages on websites, systems or applications.

Translators can also help in the efforts towards secure systems by ensuring that they are cognizant about securing files and data in their possession. Whether it is a job for a client or some personal translation work that is web-based, translators need to be at the forefront of adopting secure practices when it comes to the web.

To sum this up, you have to note that attacks on systems, websites, and applications are advancing by the day. To get ahead of them, translators should augment their efforts with other people in the cyber security space to ensure a more secure web.


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