Our awards

2 Translation Software Awards Now Belong to The Word Point

Andrew Samkowski 05 Dec 2017
Translation Software Awards Now Belong to The Word Point

It’s hard to be a newcomer in a field as competitive and intellectually challenging as translation. That’s why we can’t help being so excited for receiving FinancesOnline’s 2017 Awards!

Rising Star and Great User Experience are awarded for best translation solutions and for being recommended as one of the top translation software alternatives. We know that companies receiving this honor must meet and exceed very high quality standards. We are thrilled that our products and services were deemed worthy. We are especially happy that The Word Point has developed a reputation for delivering excellent user experience. That is always our number one priority.

Passion And Hardwork Paying Off

We made a decision early on that we would invest our resources heavily in developing truly helpful service-based translation technology. This is because we realized that while they are desirable in many ways, there are tasks that human translators cannot perform alone. This is why we developed the following exclusive services:

  • A Translation Memory Tool - This creates a glossary of the most used term relating to specific industries or products. The resulting dictionaries can then be used to ensure that translations remain consistent as far as vocabulary and terminology. They can also be used by human translators to get large projects completed quickly.
  • Multilingual Project Management - We are often given the task to translate websites, publications, and other documents into multiple languages. The challenges are twofold. First, all translations must retain meaning. Second, must usually fit within a set amount of space such as a single web page. Our proprietary Multilingual Project Management system allows us to do this quickly and consistently.
  • Project Clusterization Technology - How do we manage to deliver large projects so quickly? Thanks to project clusterization technology we can deploy large teams of translators along with team leaders to get the most demanding projects done on time.

We believe that user experience is the most important thing. Whether someone is simply browsing our website for information, speaking with a customer service, or placing an order we want every interaction with us to be positive and without any friction. This is why we are so thankful that our efforts in this area have been honored.

Useful information: The easiest way to do your Swiss German translation it's TheWordPoint.

We Would be Honored to Help You

In the future, these honors will act as motivation as we continue to find new ways to deliver amazing translation services and treat our customers with care and respect. We understand that translation software reviews from FinancesOnline doesn’t take these awards lightly. Customers doing business with us can be assured that they will receive award-winning service every time.


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