Our awards

Clutch Announces Its Top B2B Global Leaders - The Word Point is on That List

Andrew Samkowski 28 Dec 2018
Clutch Announces Its Top B2B Global Leaders - The Word Point is on That List

Clutch is a highly-respected B2B research and review agency that evaluates the contributions of international leaders in several business categories and reports their findings to the global business community. The mission of Clutch is to provide recommendations, as businesses seek the best service providers to meet their needs.

Clutch awards are based upon several factors, many of which relate to what customers/clients have to say about the products or services they have received and the level of professionalism. Among translation services, Clutch has provided The Word Point with the highest rating in key matrix areas, including client satisfaction.

The Word Point is excited to be a recipient of this award, based on Clutch’s November 2018 annual report. It means that our clients are happy and trust us with their critical documents and other content. Our consistently repetitive business from the same organizations is also a testament to their full satisfaction.

Among the reviews we received that contributed to our award was this from a client who needed a Russian to German translation. “They offer brilliant support and are caring and warm. They find custom solutions with a market-low price tag.” Those custom solutions include translation professionals who are natives of the target language, as well as experts in the specific translation fields in which they work.

We have grown our team of translators over time, in order to develop a business model that results in excellence and top quality. We rely on human translators because we have learned that we can guarantee full accuracy to our clients – an accuracy that machine translations do not always provide. For highly complex tasks, we generally assign an initial translator, followed by another native of the target language as a reviewer. This model ensures the best products in the industry.

Our company continues to grow because of the quality we produce. And we are thrilled that our commitment to excellence has been recognized by an organization with the stellar reputation that Clutch has. We invite you to read our company profile on the Clutch site. We hope that our clients will use our presence on Clutch to provide valuable comments and feedback. 

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