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Why Translating Black Writers Matters
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Why Translating Black Writers Matters

Racism is the term we frequently hear and use but barely ever mull over. It is commonly defined as a belief that one race is superior to another. However, it may not be very precise.

Michael Carr 10 Jun 2020
5 Steps to a Successful International Digital Marketing Strategy

5 Steps to a Successful International Digital Marketing Strategy

To build a successful international marketing plan, you have to be dedicated and hard-working. It’s not something that will happen overnight, but only through many days and nights of thinking about it and working on it. That being said, you need to step back and think of strategies.

Michael Carr 15 May 2019
How to Create an Effective Multilingual Content Strategy

How to Create an Effective Multilingual Content Strategy

When it comes to digital marketing, your content marketing strategy is the basis. Everyone company, regardless of how big or small, needs to have a strategic plan on how to produce and publish content for marketing and digital presence.

Michael Carr 15 Apr 2019
5 Ways Cultural Values Impact Marketing Ethics

5 Ways Cultural Values Impact Marketing Ethics

Culture is the combination of values, cuisine, beliefs, achievements, traditions, and institutions that a group of people have in common. Culture is something that can be owned by people of the same race or religion, who live in the same geographic region, or any group of people who share the values, beliefs, traditions, etc. listed above.

Michael Carr 15 Mar 2019
How to Protect Your Brand with Trademark Translation

How to Protect Your Brand with Trademark Translation

What is a trademark definition? Your trademark can be many things. A trademark translation can be a symbol, element of design, or other signature attributes which uniquely identifies your products and services as your own. and such, trademarks can be applied to signs, brand names, logos, designs, taglines, and other visual elements that are unique to your company.

Michael Carr 15 Feb 2019
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