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Handwritten Notes as a Secret Business Weapon

Handwritten Notes as a Secret Business Weapon: a Guide

Going paperless is a laudable goal. In fact, the majority of the time you should pick electronic or face to face communication when possible. However, there is something wonderfully tactile about opening an envelope, unfolding a handwritten letter, even flipping over a postcard to read the message after looking at the picture.

Henry Mcdowell 11 Sep 2017

Why Does Your Business Require Content Translation

Does your business need content translation services? There’s a good chance that it might, and for reasons that you may not have considered. Customers, employees, and business partners can all benefit from content translation.

Henry Mcdowell 16 Dec 2015
Why Businesses Need Multilingual Websites

Why Businesses Need Multilingual Websites

If you could make your company website welcoming and easy to navigate for all of your customers, wouldn’t you do that? After all, isn’t user experience a top priority? Business owners take the time to ensure that their websites are easy to navigate. They post new content regularly, and they actively ensure that visitors have a safe and secure experience.

Henry Mcdowell 12 Aug 2015
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