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Why Does Your Business Require Content Translation

Does your business need content translation services? There’s a good chance that it might, and for reasons that you may not have considered. Customers, employees, and business partners can all benefit from content translation.

Henry Mcdowell 16 Dec 2015
Why Businesses Need Multilingual Websites

Why Businesses Need Multilingual Websites

If you could make your company website welcoming and easy to navigate for all of your customers, wouldn’t you do that? After all, isn’t user experience a top priority? Business owners take the time to ensure that their websites are easy to navigate. They post new content regularly, and they actively ensure that visitors have a safe and secure experience.

Henry Mcdowell 12 Aug 2015
Which Industries Depend on Translation Services
Translation tips

Which Industries Depend on Translation Services

It’s possible for nearly anyone to need translation services for one reason or another. The world is getting smaller, and one no longer has to travel far to face situations where they may need to interact with people who speak a different language.

Mark Blackwood 10 Jun 2015
Lost in Translation: 6 Embarrassing Mistakes to Learn From
Translation tips

Lost in Translation: 6 Embarrassing Mistakes to Learn From

There’s an old joke involving a monk, living in a monastery, spending his days translating ancient texts. He’s spent his entire life doing this, living under the very ‘restrictive’ rules of monastic life. Then one day, as he’s working, he lets out a tormented yell that can be heard for miles. ‘Oh no! The word was, celebrate!’

Carl Hill 19 Apr 2015
Six Entertaining Ways to Learn Spanish
Language insights

Six Incredibly Entertaining Ways to Learn Spanish

​There are lots of Spanish learning programs – they have a serious curriculum and a structured series of lessons, based on vocabulary, grammar, and basic conversation. The problem with most of them is that they are a bit boring. If you are a person who is thinking to yourself, “I like to have fun in Spanish learning,” then read on. Here are five great, fun ways to learn the language.

Andrew Samkowski 13 Dec 2014
Top Translated Children’s Books of All Time
Language insights

Top Translated Children’s Books of All Time

The Best Translated Book Award has been awarded since 2008. It is given to the best fictional book as well as the best book of poetry that has been translated into English. The translation of literary texts to other languages has always been extraordinarily important.

Michael Carr 05 Nov 2014
Surprises of International Travel
Language insights

International Travel – Surprises That Await You

You have your itinerary. You’ve researched all of the places to visit; you’re booked in the hotels that are best for your budget. You’re “ready to roll.” International travel is an amazing experience – you’re going to expose yourself to other cultures, eat amazing food, and see things you waited a lifetime to see. But there will be some surprises that you have not anticipated – good and bad.

Carl Hill 23 Aug 2014